Day 1
Let’s meet - Team building activities.
Arrangements, presentation of timetable, information about the course venue.
The objectives of the training course - team contract.
Introduction on innovative teaching strategies of the 21st century.
Day 2
Don't stop teaching! Looking for new innovative approaches
Active and personalised strategies. Promoting students' active participation in their learning process - Educational materials and practice in the workshop (teamwork).
Flipped classroom. Resulting in a better outcome.
Sharing ideas – discussions.
Day 3
Gamification skills. Game-based education to make teaching more interactive.
ICT tools. Digital competences (workshop).
Creating interactive learning games.
Day 4
Problem-based learning. Introducing a STEM method.
Project-based learning and critical thinking. Getting real-life experiences.
Outdoor education. Experimenting problem solving g
Day 5
Future cooperation and follow up activities.
Interactive educational games and open digital recourses.
Course Evaluation.