Day 1
Let’s meet - Team building activities.
Arrangements, presentation of timetable, information about the course venue.
The objectives of the training course - team contract.
Introduction to CLIL Methodology.
Day 2
CLIL in European schools.
Can we teach everything in a foreign language?
Examples of CLIL lessons.
How to prepare a good CLIL lesson?
Day 3
What do we know about Portugal (Lisbon)?
Basic information about European Culture.
How to teach culture in a foreign language?
Is culture an important part of our life?
Setting the task by participants.
Day 4
Educational materials and practice in the workshop (teamwork):
Planning individual stages of the CLIL project.
Gathering source materials and information to complete the task.
Preparing materials for a good CLIL lessons (posters, notes, photos, activities etc.)
Day 5
Presenting and discussing the results of work in teams in the forum of the whole group.
Sharing ideas – discussions.
How to start CLIL in our schools.
Course Evaluation.